Idaa TrailLessons from the land
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Komoola Portage
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Etseh and Etsi looked at each other with worried eyes. They decided to wait a few minutes before going to look for Peter.
"Maybe he just stopped to tie his shoe," said Nora hopefully.
Etseh told everyone to wait by the packs. He took his gun and headed back along the path. Nora and John, happy to take a break, sat on the flat rocks, resting their backs against the packs.
"If only these bugs would take off!" complained Nora, swatting the air in front of her face.
It wasn't long before Etseh and Peter appeared along the trail. Peter was soaked up to his knees and looked a little embarrassed. "What happened?" asked John, trying not to laugh.
Peter told them how he decided to take a short cut and ended up walking through part of a swamp. Then he heard Etseh calling.
"Weren't you scared?" asked Nora.
"Kind of. I thought I knew where I was. But next time I think I'll stay on the trail," Peter said as he grinned sheepishly at his grandparents.

Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada