Idaa TrailLessons from the land
Hottah Lake
Fence Narrows
Blood Rock
Hook Place
Komoola Portage
Sliding Hill
Village beside Nidzii
Bea Lake
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Sliding Hill
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As they walked back to the canoes, Etsi noticed Peter rubbing his hand.
"What happened?" she asked.
"I guess I scraped myself when I slid down the hill," said Peter. "It doesn't really hurt."
Etsi came over and looked at the cut. "Just to be sure, let's put some spruce gum on it."
They walked over to a nearby spruce tree. Etsi took out her knife and carefully peeled some soft gum off its trunk. "Here. Put this on your cut. It will heal quickly."
They met the others by the canoes and headed off once again. The past few days had been hot and sunny but now the weather was changing. The wind was stronger and John noticed Etseh watching some large, dark clouds to the west.
"This weather isn't looking good. I think we should camp on that island by the point. We can wait there and see what happens." The canoes changed direction and headed towards the island.
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew across the lake.
The waves rose and water splashed into the canoe. John stopped paddling. He grabbed the sides of the canoe.
"Pick up your paddle John!" yelled Etseh. "We need everyone to paddle hard!"

Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada