Lessons from the land
Blood Rock
Idaa Trail
Fence Narrows
Blood Rock
Grave Site
Hook Place
Komoola Portage
Sliding Hill
Village beside Nidzii
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Exploring the Place
Blood Rock provides an interesting example of how elders and archaeologists can combine their expertise to expand both groups' knowledge of the cultural landscape. When an archaeologist from the Northern Heritage Centre travelled to Blood Rock with a Dogrib elder, it was evident to the archaeologist that this site had been used as a rock quarry at one time. The elder knew the site was sacred, and knew the legend associated with the site, but was unaware that it had been used for other purposes. When the archaeologist explained the quarry to the elder, the elder was able to locate, based on similar place names, other rock quarries on the trail.
View from the top of Blood Rock (Tom Andrews/PWNHC)
Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada