Pour en apprendre plus sur les canots d'écorce et autres embarcations autochtones,
suivez les liens qui suit:
Sites Web :
The Canadian Canoe Museum:
Wave Eaters - Native Watercraft in Canada - Canadian Museum of Civilization:
NWT River Reports:
Temagami Nastawgan - Interactive Map of the Temagami Anishinawbeg First Nation
(northern Ontario):
Canadian Federation of Friends of Museums - Significant Treasures:
Vidéo :
The Dogrib Birchbark Canoe, produced by the Dogrib Community Services Board,
Livres :
Jennings, John. The Canoe, A Living Tradition. Toronto: Firefly Books,
Articles :
Andrews, Thomas D. and John B. Zoe. "The Dogrib Birchbark Canoe Project." Arctic
Vol. 51, No. 1 (March 1998): 75-84.
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Arctic Institute of North America)
Leechman, Douglas. "Aboriginal Tree-Felling." In Annual Report
of the National Museum for the Fiscal Year 1948-1949. Bulletin No.118, National
Museum of Canada. Canada Department of Mines and Resources, 1950 .