Idaa TrailLessons from the land
Hottah Lake
Fence Narrows
Blood Rock
Hook Place
Komoola Portage
Sliding Hill
Village beside Nidzii
Bea Lake
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Sliding Hill
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Exhausted from paddling, they struggled to pull the canoes up on the shore of the island. Low rumbles of thunder could be heard in the distance.
"We need to get the tents up before it rains!" called Peter. Scurrying around, they put packs under canoes and set up the tents.
"Come into our tent for now - it's bigger!" called Etseh. "And bring the chocolate bars!" added John.
Sitting close together in the tent, they listened to slow drips of rain falling on the tent. Within minutes the dripping turned into a steady downpour.
"Man, that was good timing!" said John. "We would have been soaked out there! Does anyone have a chocolate bar?"
Etsi smiled and dug around in her food pack. "Dawhdi! Here, chew on this dry meat. It will keep you from feeling hungry."
"Hmmm" mumbled John. "Not quite what I was hoping for."
"If we move those packs a bit, we can play hand games," said Etseh as he reached outside the tent to get some small sticks. "First we need to make two teams. Each team sits in a row and faces each other. Then a person from one team has to guess who has this rifle shell in their hand from the other team. You need to try to trick the other team so they can't guess what hand it's in! These sticks in the middle will be our counters to see which team wins."
John had fun learning how to play hand games and time passed quickly. Etseh even played a drum using a stick and the cover of the bush radio! After a few hours, yawns made it clear that it was time for bed.

Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada